It's the Little Things...

(written 11.18.08)

Last night, i was in a place of total appreciation for the little things in life... dinner out with my family (as a treat), a good cup of coffee, things like that. It was refreshing. I could literally feel my eyes sparkling.

Today, I am reminded that we need to always write down precious moments. Instead of telling yourself, "I will write about this later," actually stop and take the time to write it down. Even this morning, as I write, I can't remember all of the little details that made that moment in time so special. You know, it was one of those "life is good" moments that we should never take for granted. God is definitely in the little things. My life has been so overwhelmed lately with details that just seem to make me crazy!!! It is nice to sit for a little while and just remember some of the things that make life worth living.

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