What's Your Status?

In this social media age, our "journals" are actually a combination of our Facebook pages, our Twitter updates, and our blogs. There is an app on Facebook where you can actually look back at your status history and see what all you have talked about in the past.

It was interesting to look at mine. I saw the times when I was more self-focused, more attentive to the things of the world, lazier, happier, closer to God, which times of the year are my favorites (college basketball and baseball seasons). It was pretty cool to check out my perspectives over the past couple of years.

I would encourage you to look back at your statuses. Where were you at this time in 2010? Even 2009? What were you thinking about? Where was your focus? Were you centered on Christ or on yourself? Were you happy? Sad? Trying to look cool? Can you see trends in your posts where you were more negative or positive? Where are you now? What we put out there for the world to see is only a glimpse into what is going on in our hearts and minds. If we are putting junk out there, it's a pretty good indication that we have junk going on inside. Time for a clean-up? Just checking. We all need clean-ups from time to time. I challenge you... take a look back... and then let me know your thoughts.

If you are reading this on Facebook, visit my blog: www.growwhereyoureplanted.com.

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