Oh, Impatient Me

Three hours of writing time tonight! Jeff said, “go,” so I went. The goal was to find a place that stays open until 11. A little difficult on a week night. Borders? Nope, 10:00. 10-minute drive to Barnes & Noble. You guessed it. 10:00. So much for 3 hours!

Oh, impatient me.

Came into the store to find only one person in line. Great! I can still have a good amount of time… Why is the guy working so slow?

Oh, impatient me.

Okay, frustrated now. So slow. It’s now been 30 minutes since I left the house. Still waiting. Angry now.

Oh, impatient me.

Then the voice… Stop! This alone time is not about you. It’s about Me! Learn to be patient. Learn to love those around you. Learn that others may be having a bad day. Always smile. Share My love. You may be a bright spot in a night where everyone else has been impatient to him. Trust Me.

Oh, impatient me.

Thanks for the reminder, Lord. An hour later... I get it. It's not about me. And You always have something to teach me. Finally, I listen.

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