Tune-In Tuesday: Jesus Paid It All

Welcome to Tune-In Tuesday! If this is your first time visiting on a Tuesday, I hope you will find this as a place to worship together. Each week, I share about a song that God is using in my life. One that is speaking to me in whatever season I may be going through. The invitation is for you to jump in and do it, too! Here are the steps:

  1. Pick a song that is especially meaningful for you at this time in your life and write about it. Really think about the lyrics… and let them change you.
  2. Link up here using the linky tool at the bottom of this post. Use the name of your song as the title of your link. (If you haven’t done this before, feel free to email me with questions.) If you don't have a blog, you can leave a comment sharing your song. ***Please use the permalink to your post, not your blog's main site. Because of the specialized nature of this weekly series, any links that are not specifically for Tune-In Tuesday will be deleted.***
  3. Visit other people’s blogs and worship with them.
  4. Spread the word. Grab the button in the left column and add it to your post. That way, others can link up, as well. Tweet about it… Try to get others in on the conversation.
  5. And the main thing… worship! :) 


My song this week is Jesus Paid It All... the Kristian Stanfill version. Listen and read below. :)

This is my favorite version of Jesus Paid It All, hands down. Of course, I'm a guitar girl... so I love the style. But the second half of the song is what really makes it stand out from the rest.

At first, we sing 3 familiar verses and choruses of the much loved hymn... the words about Jesus taking care of our sin... about how we owe it all to Him... about how He alone can wash us and change us...

Then, about 3 minutes in, it just breaks out into praise! We spend the rest of the song just singing "o praise the One who paid my debt and raised this life up from the grave." Then it finishes with different names of Jesus.

This song just leads me to get excited about what Jesus has done for us! I hope it blesses you today... As has happened a few times since I started hosting Tune-In Tuesdays, another song was planned, but this one caught me instead.

This song would fit into my "Music That Moves Me" category. :) Missed that series? You can read the posts here: Music That Moves Me.

What song is God using in your life right now?

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